The spring of Poblaki

For several years now, the village of Poblaki has been facing a serious problem of water scarcity: intensive deforestation has dried up the sources of the village, and the poor flow of the source discovered by Father Joseph Quintard a few kilometers from the village is no longer enough to ensure the consumption of a growing population. The villagers are therefore forced to rent cars to come up from the nearby river polluted with pesticides ... Faced with this emergency, Father Nicolas Lefebure, with the support of the foundation EDF, realizes a capture in a source of the forest, preserved spreading areas, 7 kilometers from the village. With the help of the villagers, he realizes the burial of 7 kilometers of driving, from the source to the village. It remained to carry out the dam which will have to ensure at the catchment point a continuous supply in all seasons.

 In the spring of 2017, the whole village is used to transport the sand, gravel, cement and steel required for construction to the heart of the forest. Three months will be needed to build an imposing dam, which now perfectly fulfills its task: clean and pure water now reaches the houses of the village, and the karens no longer have to fear the pollution of their water. The dam is inaugurated with great pomp on Easter day: as a symbol of the living water that springs from the heart of the risen Christ!

