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The mission team in Japan! (of cardboard)
The students of our centers and the school enjoying a few days of vacation, the whole team of the Ponouaipou-Poblaki mission took the opportunity to take a few days of relaxation-training. Sister Tu, from the Karen village of Chaiya Prakan, 120 km north of Chiang Mai, welcomes us into her community. Joy of meeting the Karen cousins of the North. Admiration of the fervor and dynamism of this big and old community founded by the fathers of Batharram fifty years ago. Two steps away is the Japanese village Hinoki Land, a reconstruction of various Japanese pavilions framed by cypresses of Japan. Surprising Japan of cardboard paste, whose primary vocation is less the meeting of cultures than to offer its visitors "selfie spots". Teachers and catechists shoot with enthusiasm; the sisters and the father lend themselves to it with good grace. The day continues with the visit of the royal plantations and ends with the mass with the village community.
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